
Saturday, June 15, 2019

Galena - more Gold than Lead

Throwing axes, losing money at a casino, winning that money back (and a tiny bit more), shopping, oh, and getting some Waymarking and a tiny bit of Geocaching in.  Yep, fun times for our week-long adventure to Galena and environs. 

I ended with 512 pictures taken in three states.
In Illinois - 56 different categories waymarked; 284 waymarks created; 26 waymarks visited.
In Iowa - 12 different categories; 13 waymarks created; 5 waymarks visited.
In Wisconsin - 6 different categories; 6 waymarks created; 5 waymarks visited.

I also found 5 Iowa, 5 Illinois and 1 Wisconsin geocache.

Dinosaur Field near Hazel Green, Wisconsin
I only found this because of a geocache.
I was able to get some nice waymarks because of
the stop.

Market House
Steamboats would actually come up the Galena River
and sell their wares.  This building is supposedly haunted.

One of the many Italianate buildings in Galena.
Most of the entire town is in the Historic District.

Julia Grant Dent
This statue isn't a favorite among locals -
they call it the "Mrs. Buttersworth".